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I am an eCommerce Manager. Why do I need Senuto?

Bartosz MichalakBartosz Michalak
Published: 10.05.2019
3 minute

Many eCommerce Managers I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with have asked, “But why do I need Senuto? After all, it’s a tool for SEOs and SEO agencies!”. In this text, I’ll show you otherwise, because when managing an online store, you can really extract a lot of valuable information from Senuto!


E-Commerce Manager Tools


As an eCommerce Manager, you certainly use a lot of tools in your work. After all, you need to know:

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  • what results are being achieved by the store you are taking care of,
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  • how effective are your advertising campaigns on Google or
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  • how engaged is the community on your company social media
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And how do you control your presence in Google’s organic search results? Do you rely only on the reports you receive from your SEO agency? Or do you primarily use Google Analytics and Search Console to analyze this channel?


Whatever your answer to the above questions may be, it is worthwhile for you to consider using a tool that will allow you to make better business decisions. This is where we come to the rescue! Senuto is a platform that provides information about the health of your store on Google. Using the tools available in it, target the right keyword phrases, analyze the competition and monitor the effects of SEO efforts. All in one!


Google visibility analysis – that is, a broad overview of the situation of the store


The first view that will greet you when you log in to the Senuto platform is the Visibility Analysis module. In this panel you will find a quick overview of the most important information regarding the global visibility of the studied site.


Using this view, you can add the selected site to favorites, which will allow you to access the statistics faster the next time you log into Senuto. You will also find information about what subject categories the system has classified the analyzed site into, and what technologies the analyzed site uses.


More “meat” awaits you below! Scroll down to check the number of all phrases for which the store is visible in TOP3, TOP10 and TOP50. Check them on the chart.

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Google visibility

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An important metric is also the Visibility parameter, which tells you what estimated organic traffic you can expect from the analyzed page. However, you need to keep in mind that this is just an estimate based on a number of elements, including:

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  • number of key phrases in TOP10,
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  • average CTR,
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  • the average monthly number of searches for particular phrases, etc.
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Advertising equivalent

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On the top bar above the chart is another visible parameter: Advertising Equivalent. It tells you how much you would have to estimate you would have to spend in the Google Ads in order to get the same traffic to your site as is generated from organic results. This metric is based on similar parameters as Visibility – except that to calculate it we additionally take into account the average CPC for each phrase.


The main chart is also the first place in Senuto where you can compare yourself with your competitors. You’ll do this by adding a competing domain in the space below the chart.


The devil is in the details – that is, for which phrases your store is visible in Google


Under the Visibility Analysis module, you can preview all the phrases that make the main chart look like this and not like that. When you go to the Positions tab, you will see a list of phrases for which your store ranks in the TOP50.


Example:What do you as an eCommerce Manager need such knowledge for? Suppose you have Marvel-licensed toys in your store and you would like to increase traffic to those categories/products. Start by seeing if these (and if so, which) products are visible on Google.


Using filters, you can easily search among all the keywords for only those phrases that contain the word Marvel. Using as an example, I verified that the site ranks in the TOP50 for just over 300 such phrases.


You can also analyze which of these phrases your site is already ranked high on and is very likely to get traffic from them.

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Quick wins

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In the next step, identify those phrases that are relatively close to the TOP10 – they are worth looking at for optimization. These are the so-called quick wins – often a little input is all that is needed to quickly raise the site’s positions on these phrases.


Example:To find the right keywords for this, apply another filter to the list you’ve created – this time look for phrases that contain the word “Marvel” and are also in positions 10-20. This will give you a list of phrases along with the URLs inside your site that are worth looking at for optimization first.


We have been planning the information architecture of our site for a long time, so everything is in order. Is it?”

Another tool within the Visibility Analysis module is the tool used to analyze Content Cannibalization within a site.


Simply put – keyword cannibalization occurs when two or more URLs within an online store are optimized for the same keyword phrase. What this translates into is that Google’s robot doesn’t know which page to display higher in the search results, so it rotates them and displays one page higher, then the other.


For you as an eCommerce Manager, this is not always a desirable situation. With the Cannibalization Analysis Tool, you will easily identify such situations and be able to make an informed decision on what to do in such a case.

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Example: In the example of, you can see that the site ranks for the phrase “batman” with two URLs. One of them directs to the LEGO Batman category, while the other directs to a listing of all Batman-related products. The ideal situation is when one URL is optimized for one phrase.


If you’d like to learn more about the topic that is keyword cannibalization, then I recommend you read the linked article on our blog, where Karol Soja explores the topic in depth.

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Sections – that is, take your store apart


As an eCommerce specialist, you are well aware that you can’t rely on just one product group or category. The entire offer of the store you manage should be as widely available as possible in order to reach the largest possible group of customers.

The entire offer of the store you manage should be as widely available as possible in order to reach the largest possible group of customers. .

That’s why you should track not only your store’s global visibility in Google, but also monitor the visibility of individual sub-pages. With the Sections tool, you will get quick and easy access to the statistics of individual parts of your store.


Example: Using as an example, we can see that, leaving aside the homepage, the estimated highest traffic from organic results is generated by the toys and games category, while the baby and mom category ranks right behind it.


We can go even deeper into the details and check which specific URLs generate the most organic traffic on Smyk. As before, we skip the homepage and see that the most traffic goes to the category with the listing of products with the characters of the cartoon Masha and the Bear, followed immediately by the listing of LEGO Friends sets.


Key phrase trends – or find out when customers are searching for your store’s products


Another important aspect that every eCommerce Manager must keep in mind is search trends, or Seasonality. Say it yourself – Have you ever had your SEO agency report that positions were rising, but it didn’t translate into a visible increase in traffic to the site? Or maybe it was the case that you noticed a drop in traffic, but the site was still visible for the same number of key phrases and in similar positions?

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In such situations, it’s a good idea to take a look at the trends and see in which months the phrases for which your store is visible are most frequently searched for by customers.


Example:In our example, we see that the phrases on which ranks are more frequently searched in May – probably due to the communions taking place during this period. However, we see the biggest increase in the November-December period – naturally, this is due to the approaching Christmas and means a harvest for almost every online store.

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If you don’t already have an account with Senuto, try 14 days for free!

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Competitor analysis, or “For what phrases are my competitors visible and my store is not?”


The competitor analysis can be approached in Senuto in several places. As I wrote above – the first place where you can quickly compare your store with another is the main chart in Visibility Analysis. Competitor overview is also one of the tools within the AW module. There you will find information about your competition on Google (which does not always coincide with your business competition).

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Report: Competition

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This report consists of two elements. The first is the competition chart, where you will find a comparison of the phrase sets of the analyzed domain and domains with similar keyword phrase profiles. Competitive words are phrases for which the competing domain is visible in TOP10, while your domain is visible in TOP50. These are therefore the phrases from which the competing domain is potentially taking your traffic. All words are the total number of keyword phrases for which the competing domain is visible in positions 1-50.


The second part is a table summarizing the most important data about your domain and competing domains. The key metric in this summary is number of common phrases, i.e. those for which both your domain and your competitor’s domain are visible in the TOP50. Also note the visibility factor, i.e. the estimated monthly traffic from all phrases for which the domain is visible in the TOP50.

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Detailed competitor analysis

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What about when you would like to analyze your chosen competitors in more detail? With help comes Competition Analysis from the Tools Section. In this tool you will quickly and painlessly realize 3 scenarios of competitive analysis:

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1/ Find common keywords that is, words for which both your store and your competitors’ sites are visible.


2/ Find competitor keywords that is, words for which your competitors are visible and your store is not.


3/ Find your keywords i.e. such words for which your store is visible, and your competitors’ domains are not.


In my opinion, from the point of view of an eCommerce Manager, the most interesting option is number 2. The tool works in a really simple way. Let’s take a look at what it looks like using Smyk as an example:

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  1. We enter the address of our store.
  2. .
  3. We enter the address of the competitors we want to compare with. Let’s assume that we want to find such phrases for which the competition is visible in TOP10 – so we set the slider accordingly.
  4. .
  5. Then we click the button
Compare and we get all the phrases for which ToysRus is visible in TOP10, while is not.. . .

What can you do about it next?

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The best thing to do is to export all these phrases, sit down over them and analyze them calmly. With each phrase, ask yourself, “Why isn’t our store visible for this phrase?”. Of course, the answers can be many:

  • You may not be visible, because you don’t have such an assortment (you may want to consider introducing it since people are looking for it and your competitors are selling it).
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  • These may also be phrases related to your competitor’s branding – then you know that these are not phrases of interest to you.
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  • But most importantly, it is possible that these are phrases related to the products you sell – then you get a ready-made list of phrases for which you should appear in Google with your offer.
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Sign up with Senuto and try 14 days for free!

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Where to look for keyword phrases for an online store?

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I don’t want to describe the entire process of keyword analysis right now, because that would be a topic for a separate blog post. I just want to show you how you as an eCommerce Manager can use our keyword database.


Let’s say you run a toy store (let’s stick to that theme), and you’re looking for topics for your blog posts.

  • Use the Keyword Database that I linked to a moment ago.
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  • Enter the phrase “toys” – you will get a list of keywords related to the phrase toys.
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  • Then apply the filter “Keyword contains words” and indicate that the phrase should contain the word “like”. This will give you a list of ready-made ideas for your blog. Cool? Very much so, in my opinion. You can share the list generated in this way with your copywriters with the task of creating content on the indicated topics :).
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This, of course, is just one example of the use of the Keyword Database module. There are many more applications, such as:

  • you can search in it for products that are worth introducing to your offerings (because they are searched for by customers)
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  • you can analyze search trends for particular phrases so that you know when it’s best to publish content on a particular topic
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What’s important is that the database works in any language, in any version of Google. This means that if you are planning to go into foreign markets, this is a tool that will help you analyze the demand in a particular market.


Monitor the effects of your SEO efforts! Learn about Senuto Position Monitoring

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Whether you perform SEO activities in-house, outsource to an agency or freelancer, there are groups of key phrases that are worth monitoring. Of course, keep in mind that high website ranking for a given phrase should not be the only indicator of SEO success! You can’t forget about traffic monitored in GA (or other tool), conversion rate and many other elements, which ultimately end up in the amount of revenue. At Senuto, we can help you monitor the positions of the key phrases most important to you.

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Step one – set up your first project


The first step is to set up a project – you can read how to do it in this article, where Karolina Matyska describes the whole process step by step.


What’s important for you as an eCommerce Manager is that in the Monitoring framework you also have access to the Competitor Analysis tools or the Key Phrase Cannibalization report. You also get information on specific metrics, just as you do in Visibility Analysis – the difference being that in Monitoring, you base it on a specific set of key phrases that are most important to you.

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Step Two – Create Dynamic Groups

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The second, in my opinion, very useful solution in Senuto Monitoring is something we called Dynamic Groups. Once you lump all the phrases that are most important to you into one, you can sort them any way you want.


A good practice for eCommerce would be to create groups according to the structure of your store. At the very top you have one set with all phrases, below that groups including only main category URLs, and within that groups including subcategory URLs.

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You can also separately include a group monitoring URLs related to the blog and create groups with articles by individual copywriters who write for you. With such a solution, you will have a quick overview of the most important metrics in each section of your store. I’ll ask again – cool :)?

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The examples listed above are mainly based on URL-related filter, but in Monitoring when creating dynamic groups you have a number of other factors to choose from (phrase positions, average monthly searches, visibility, position change or average CPC).



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Summary – is Senuto a tool only for SEO specialists? No! Senuto is actually a tool for any website owner who wants to monitor the effectiveness of their search marketing efforts – for the eCommerce Manager as well. We give you a range of valuable data at your disposal, wrapping them in ready-made reports – what you do with them, how you use them and whether you base your decisions on them – that’s up to you 🙂

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Bartosz Michalak

Specjalista od marketingu. Absolwent Politechniki Łódzkiej.

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