Keyword Explorer
Discover what your customers are looking for on Google and let them find it on your website
In the world of SEO, you can’t do without keywords. They’re a must-have for planning a powerful strategy to maximize your competitive edge. The more, the better. That’s why we have millions of keywords waiting for you in Keyword Explorer.
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Keywords in the database
in which we have phrases
you can check the results for
1. Enter a keyword, URL, or domain address
We’ll look through 43.8 million keywords to select the best matches for your query.

Keywords that build topical authority
We find relationships between keywords and offer new suggestions, semantically related to the phrases you’re already using.
Tools and reports used:
- Summary
Long-tail keywords with a high conversion potential
You’ll get a complete keyword list including long-tail phrases that reveal a strong intent to purchase.
Tools and reports used:
- Summary

Questions, or ready-to-use blog post ideas
Knowing questions asked on Google will help you acquire customers at every stage of their path to purchase.
Tools and reports used:
- Questions
Automatic suggestions from Google
Complete your list of keywords from Senuto with automatic suggestions from Google (autocompletions).
Tools and reports used:
- Quick Suggestions

Trends on Google
SCheck keywords which are now trending on Google or were popular over a selected time frame.
Tools and reports used:
- Trends
2. Filter your keywords to get the best picks
A generated list of keywords may include thousands of suggestions. Use our intuitive filters to extract what you really need.
Keyword Statistics
Discover the most important parameters of your target keywords: monthly search volume, CPC, and popularity over the year.

Filters and NLP part-of-speech algorithms
Narrow down your keyword list by popularity, CPC, or word count. Cherry on top: we’ll use natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to sort them by part of speech.
Keyword clusterization – automatic grouping by intent
We’ll automatically group your keywords into thematic categories – based on our analysis of search results.

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3. Create a plan for your SEO and content marketing
With a complete keyword list in hand, you can plan SEO and content marketing activities to boost traffic and sales.

When planning content for your website, inspect every keyword and see what shows up on the search results pages (SERP).
Tools and reports used:
- Keyword Details
Keyword Seasonality
Knowing the popularity of keywords in particular months, you can plan your publishing schedule more effectively.

Knowing the snippets that show up for keywords on your list, you can adjust your content to their structure on Google.
What will you find in Keyword Explorer?


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