For SEO Specialists and Agencies

Tap into the full potential of Senuto and become a SEO genius

When your work starts bringing customers more money, they get eager to increase outlays on SEO. Before you know it, your reputation is on the rise – and so are your earnings. After all, nobody doubts anymore that you’re a pillar of the company.

Start your free 14-day trial

Base your projects on data every step of the way

1. Preparing an offer for a new customer

Website analysis

  • Check the visibility of your customer’s website on Google
  • Identify their ranking keywords and positions
  • See how their visibility on Google has been shifting over time
  • Analyze site’s behaviour during Google update release

Estimation of results

  • Identify the competitors and estimate visibility of the top players in your customer’s sector
  • Analyze the competitors’ strategies
  • Make a realistic estimation of results and set a direction for your strategy

Assistance with quotation

  • Estimate campaign costs
  • Analyze website performance after algorithm updates
  • Draw conclusions about the overall health of the website and foresee its future response to change
  • Evaluate website potential

2. Designing an effective SEO strategy

Rapid and extensive keyword research

  • Keywords with high search volumes
  • Thematically connected keywords ideal for building topical authority
  • Questions which provide ready-to-use blog post ideas
  • Long-tail keywords with high conversion potential

Competition Analysis

  • Rapid infiltration of your competitors’ SEO strategies
  • Keywords and positions of your rivals
  • Visibility comparison for all and any websites
  • Content gap analysis

Quick wins

  • Keywords one step away from the TOP 10
  • Keyword cannibalization
  • Lost keywords
  • Content optimization

3. Tracking and reporting

Daily updates on your rankings

  • Positions in a selected country, region, or city
  • Visibility on Google Maps and in Direct Answer Box
  • Competitors’ rankings for your target keywords at a glance

Monitoring the effectiveness of your SEO

  • Top-ranking subdomains
  • Full positions history
  • Featured snippets

Quick reporting with integrations

  • Automatic reports in Google Data Studio
  • Sharing projects with customers and collaborators
  • API access
  • Slack notifications

Try Senuto Suite for 14 days for free

From 29 EUR per month
2 months free with the annual package
We do not require a payment card
Start the 14-day trial for free

Meet Senuto in 1-hour online training. Free.

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Top benefits for SEO Specialists


Learn which of your ranking keywords are in the TOP 3/10/50 search results. Identify the type of your keywords in a flash.

SERP Weather

Keep your finger on the pulse of all updates and reshuffles on Google’s SERPs.

Favorite domains

Add domains to favorites to fast-track the analysis of the websites you inspect most frequently.

Competition Analysis

dentify the content gap – learn for which of your target keywords your competitors are ranking on Google while you still aren’t (content gap)..

URL Analysis

Analyze the statistics (visibility and keywords) of any particular URL.


Review search queries entered in Google to create more comprehensive content and acquire customers at every stage of their path to purchase.

Keyword Details

Discover the most important parameters of your target keywords: monthly search volume, CPC, and popularity over the year.

Related Keywords

Senuto finds connections between keywords and suggests semantically related phrases that will boost your topical authority.

Temporary groups

Create your own groups of keywords and manage them as you see fit.

Quick Suggestions

Complete your list of keywords from Senuto with automatic suggestions from Google (autocompletions).


Review the history of your website’s positions since project launch.


See your competitors’ rankings for your target keywords at a glance.

Competition Analysis

Identify the content gap – learn for which of your target keywords your competitors are ranking in Google while you still aren’t.


Detect issues with keyword cannibalization within minutes.

URL Crawler

Analyze selected URLs in terms of content length, headers, and other HTML elements.

Use data to plan, verify and optimize your actions


Senuto Suite is a collection of fresh and accurate data & tools essential for successful SEO


Gain access to 6 modules and over a dozen tools designed to enhance your SEO workflow


Visibility Analysis

Check visibility and organic traffic from Google for any website

Keywords Explorer

Discover what your customers are looking for on Google and let them find it on your website

Rank Tracker

Check the rankings of your target keywords on Google and avoid losing customers to competitors

SERP Analysis

Learn how your competitors got to the TOP 10 and take their place

Content Planner

Create content plans that work, in just a few minutes

Content Writer

Easily write SEO-friendly content


Google Search Console i Google Analytics

One chart that will tell you how your Google visibility affects traffic and conversions

Looker Studio

Save the time you spend on preparing SEO reports by automating the whole procedure

Google Sheets

Combine multiple reports from Visibility Analysis and Monitoring into one clear document


Notifications on changes in your SEO projects will go straight to your chosen channel on Slack


ntegrate Senuto's API with your corporate infrastructure

Get the freedom to send SEO data to your own tools

Fast, efficient and seamless

Data on domain visibility, positions, keyword statistics in your company CRM

Full support


Access your data even when you are on the move, with the Senuto mobile app

Download now

Top benefits for SEO specialists

Faster and automated SEO

Visibility reports for any website

Access to analytical tools such as Keywords Statistics

Unlimited users per account

Integrations to facilitate (automate) reporting

Read user reviews and find out how they use Senuto in their daily work


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