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What will you learn from Facebook Analytics?

Marketing Marketing basics
Justyna MądroJustyna Mądro
Published: 20.01.2020
6 minute

What does every marketer like online activities best for? The answer is simple – for the fact that each of them can be very accurately measured. We can instantly gain an answer as to whether our ads are effective, whether we have a positive ROI and see how our users behave on the site.


Google has known about this for many years, and the popularity of Google Analytics only confirms this thesis. Facebook doesn’t want to be long, for some time now we have been able to check the quality and effects of our actions not only with Facebook Insights or Audience Insights – with help comes Facebook Analytics as well.

Facebook Insights for everyone

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This is not the only Facebook solution with which we can analyze our target audience or the effectiveness of our activities. Every fanpage administrator has access to a basic tool on their profile, which is Facebook Insights.

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It allows you to check data such as organic reach of posts, profile, fans’ demographics or their engagement. Facebook Insights has very basic data built in regarding realization of our goals on the fanpage. Here we can find such information as number of fans, organic reach of posts, paid reach, or activity and engagement against posts.

Get to know your fans with Audience Insights

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A tool that also allows us to analyze our fan group is Audience Insights. It allows us to learn even more detailed information about the people who have liked our fanpage, such as their education level, relationship status, the industry they work in, or their type of interests.


Audience Insights is a great tool for anyone conducting social media activities – we can use it to know our audience in detail. This data is very useful especially for influencers who undertake cooperation with specific brands. Thanks to this data, the brand has a more detailed description about what group of people interacts with the published content.

Audience Insights a Facebook Analytics

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The data contained in Audience Insights statistics can help in planning advertising activities and targeting advertising groups. So the main difference between Audience Insight and Facebook Analytics is the scope of what we analyze. AI helps us learn about our target audience and see how often users engage with the content we share. FA, on the other hand, is part of the advertising system, where we can check and optimize our activities at a very detailed level.


Facebook Analytics helps us determine how and where users interact with our company. Facebook Analytics allows us to learn about audience behavior on our website, taking into account movement from Facebook and Instagram. To launch the analytics sub-page, you need to have Facebook Conversion Pixel installed on your website. In Business Manager, select Analytics from the top bar and navigate to the desired analytics unit.

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After selecting the appropriate pixel from which we want to analyze the data, we have a choice of, among other things, a tab for demographics, where we learn the gender, age, country, exact locality and language spoken by our audience. The relevant statistics also show us what operating system the users are using and what specific devices they have.


Multichannel analysis


With the creation of Event Source Groups, we have the ability to perform multi-channel analysis by combining data from our fanpage, website or application. By creating such groups, we will be able to analyze the actions of audiences in different channels.


For example, if a user searches for a product via an Android device, but makes a purchase on the site via a desktop device, we can still track the user’s behavior. This will help us gain information on how users switch between channels and at which point in the conversion funnel they abandon further purchase.

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To create an Event Source Group, we select the type of event source from the drop-down menu, scrolling below, we also have a choice of fanpages we administer. Then we click the Create Group button.


In the dataset, we can see a collection of the most important information about the selected group.

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User credentials

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Another interesting feature available within Facebook Analytics is User Retention, which shows the percentage of people returning to our site, app or other channel from where the interaction began. Over a specified time period, we can see how many users interacted with us. We can choose a daily, weekly or monthly interval here.


Purchase funnels

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A sales funnel on Facebook consists of successive stages that we can measure. For example, we create a funnel that starts with the display of a sub-page that we direct to from our ads. The next stage would be adding a product to the shopping cart, and the final stage would be purchasing the product.


When creating a sales funnel, we can specify what we want to see on the chart – it is possible to set a time range, individual elements of the funnel or very many additional elements, such as the current domain, address URL, language, channel, country, city, device model or UTM campaign name. The chart below shows a breakdown by Traffic Sources, and another breakdown by UTM Campaign Name.


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In Facebook Analytics, a cohort is a group of people using a product who take the same action (such as adding to a shopping cart). An example where we could use cohorts is an airline that wants to know how long it takes for users who are following a flight price offer for a ticket to a particular country to purchase a ticket: how many people make a purchase within a month of seeing ticket prices.


Creating cohorts will help determine a timeline by which we can measure our KPI. Cohorts are similar to User Paths — in both cases we track behavior, but with cohorts we have the ability to measure the impact of time. This means that we can see whether a currently running ad campaign on Facebook, for example, has contributed to the expected results.


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Paths help understand the sequence of actions customers take before converting. They are very useful when we need to measure progress consisting of a sequence of more than 2 steps. They help us identify bottlenecks in the buying process or decide what elements should be further optimized.


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Facebook makes it possible to analyze user actions with increasing accuracy and insight. If you are running activities for an extensive e-commerce business, you will find the Facebook Analytics tool very useful, which allows you to compare the collected data and user behavior in any way you want. It is worth testing this tool to find correlations that will help increase our sales.

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Justyna Mądro

Marketing Manager w DevaGroup. Prowadziła wykłady z zakresu marketingu i reklamy w sieci na studiach podyplomowych Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie.

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