What’s changed in Senuto since 2019?

Senuto Tech SEO
Adam SkrzypekAdam Skrzypek
Published: 29.06.2021
11 minute

If we use our tools on a daily basis, we may have difficulty noticing how much they have evolved along the way. Let’s take a quick look back to trace all the Senuto updates introduced over the last 2 years. At the bottom of this post, you’ll find a link to our public roadmap – the full list of our development plans for 2021!

In 2019, we changed our graphic design to improve the overall user experience and make our interface even more intuitive and practical. Because of that, you now need less time to find all the necessary tools, features, and data.

The new design was a major breakthrough for Senuto! Since its launch, we keep polishing the graphics of particular modules, reports, and charts. All in an effort to make your work on the platform even more enjoyable.

Fun fact!

All decisions regarding changes are made by our full-time UX/UI designer, supported when necessary by two external experts.

The redesign of Senuto encompassed:

  • a total overhaul of the graphic design and usability of the app,
  • the release of video and written instructions for most tools and reports,
  • the development of a new design for all tables, charts, menus (main menu and side menu),
  • the adoption of a consistent graphic design across all tools.

You’re getting all the necessary data at a greater speed than ever – and it’ll get even faster

Making Senuto run faster and generate results as rapidly as possible was among our priorities. Our users value time more than anything, which means they need the results ready on the double.

In response to that need, we got down the average time required to see the results in Visibility Analysis from 8s to 6.5s, and in Keyword Explorer – from 7.1s to 5.9s. As for our Rank Tracker, the data are usually collected bright and early, by 6:00 AM.

We got this far despite the growing amounts of data and some major challenges such as data crawling in Google. And let it be known that we are not done speeding things up!

A challenge like that requires us to continue our hard work on resource optimization and keep employing cutting-edge tech solutions. Rest assured that the system you’re using is state of the art. We can promise you one thing – you’ll get data even faster.

During our speed optimization efforts, we decided to cover our bases, working on many areas such as:

  • Angular updates
  • implementation of a CDN
  • data caching
  • optimization and development of our database infrastructure
  • optimization and acceleration of data crawlers
  • development of our server infrastructure

Get fresh data at all times

At Senuto, we strive to keep our data fresh. Quality and currency are our priority. In a bid to empower our users with the most recent data, we started updating statistics (monthly searches, trends, CPC) of the most popular keywords every month.

With access to the latest data, you can give your campaign plans some extra fine-tuning and achieve results that’ll knock your socks off!

New features and enhancement – in response to your needs

Since February 2019, we’ve performed a total of 88 system updates in an effort to enhance functionality and add new features. Senuto is a better app now, and far more advanced. We have bolstered it with a brand-new analytical module (SERP Analysis), 9 new reports, 4 tools, a fully customizable rank tracking system, and a mobile version. Better yet, the full array of our features is now available for two new countries. Apart from servicing Poland, we’re now providing data on domains from Czechia and Slovakia.

What’s new in Visibility Analysis?

Visibility Analysis is the primary module of Senuto, used by 99% of our subscribers. That’s why we place the utmost importance on its continued growth. Since February 2019, we’ve reinforced Visibility Analysis with 3 new analytical reports, 2 tools, and a number of minor enhancements. Besides, since October 2020, you can analyze the visibility of domains in the Czech and Slovak markets – and the work on adding new countries is underway!

Latest additions to Visibility Analysis:

  • Cannibalization – a report that shows you which keywords are targeted by more than one URL from your website. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • Keyword Features – a report that tells you more about the ranking keywords of your chosen website. All the ranking keywords are grouped by their distinctive features. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
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  • In Keyword Details, you’ll obtain full information about a chosen keyword. This includes a list of top-ranking websites for that keyword, as well as a set of related phrases. With all these data in one place, you can perform an in-depth keyword analysis in no time! A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • In SERP History, you’ll check which domains showed up in the search results for any keyword since 2016. A great place to dive into the evolution of the SERPs and to run a detailed analysis of the competition for your keywords. A detailed description of the tool is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • Detailed information on domain visibility in Czechia and Slovakia. Other countries will be added shortly. Stay tuned!

What’s new in Keyword Explorer?

Keyword Explorer is our next module, used by most of you for keyword research, content planning, and designing your site structure.

We know that you were looking for the fullest possible set of data on a particular query, available rapidly and at a glance. To fill this demand, we implemented a total of 5 new analytical reports, 2 new tools, and even more data. We are happy to hear that you’re successfully using our data for keyword research!

Latest additions to Keyword Explorer:

  • In Word Groups, you can group results from Keyword Explorer and display them as smaller sets. Save time on manual sorting and further processing, because Senuto does that for you. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
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  • Keywords Statistics give you an overview of the most important statistics of your keywords. Check the average monthly search volume of the keywords on your list and much more. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • Keyword Grouping helps you group your own list of keywords linguistically or semantically. It’s yet another tool that supports your daily work by automating the analysis of thousands of keywords. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • You can play with the side menu to adjust your Keyword Explorer results to your liking. At first, you decide how closely related our suggestions should be to the selected keyword. Then, you can filter them further by word part and selected domains.

You can also save some keywords from the report by placing them in selected groups. This way, they’ll be easier to export or add to your Rank Tracker projects.

How cool is that? Use the side menu to expedite keyword research. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.

  • Trends tell you which keywords have been growing in popularity recently. It’s something like Google Trends, but with history. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • Quick suggestions provide you even more ideas for keywords related to your query. The tool displays keywords automatically suggested by Google as you start typing your query (autocomplete). Put them on your keyword list for a fuller keyword research. A detailed description of the report is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.

What’s new in Rank Tracker?

Rank Tracker is the place where you can check how any domain (and its competitors) is ranking for a defined list of keywords. We decided to give this module a massive boost to allow each user to tailor settings to their own needs. In the end, we have implemented a whole new analytical report, full customization of the settings, and suggested keywords for each project.

Latest additions to Rank Tracker:

  • New columns in the table give you better insight into the Google ranks of your target keywords.
  • You can check the positions of your keywords at any location! Senuto can monitor your ranks in a particular city or even a particular district. We also keep track of the results in the Direct Answer Box and positions in Google Maps. You have full control over the configuration of your project.
  • During project creation, Senuto displays suggestions of extra keywords worth tracking. This way, you can stop worrying if your project lacks any must-have phrases.
  • Positions History offers you a compressed and visually attractive review of positions for selected keywords over a selected time frame.
  • You can check the search results as at the moment when we recorded the position for your keyword. Check the layout, the competition, and featured snippets for any day.
  • When in need of data that are even more recent, you can refresh the position of a selected keyword at any time.

SERP Analysis – the freshest module in Senuto

SERP analysis is a brand-new analytical module for checking which URLs show up at the top of the search results for any keyword. Senuto presents you with a consolidated list of those URLs, complete with information on content length, the number of headings, and the wording of headings – in other words, on the elements regarded as the crucial ranking factors. A sound analysis of those will allow you to make the right changes on your website and to fight for better ranks.

What’s new in SERP Analysis:

  • The module was launched in August 2020. Since then, you can analyze the websites that show up in Google’s TOP 10 search results for a given keyword. Inspect these URLs in terms of content and use your new knowledge to optimize your own website. A detailed description of the module is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • URL Crawler is a tool for analyzing a list of URL addresses in terms of content. Check it out to get information on content length, meta title, meta description, H1 and H2 headings, and links posted. A detailed description of the tool is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.
  • TOP 100 Crawler is a tool that displays a list of 100 best-visible domains for keywords on your list.

Review your Senuto data with a free mobile app!

October 2020 marked the premiere of our mobile app for iOS and Android. With the Senuto app on your phone, you can access your data wherever you are!

Our complex desktop interface, filled to the brim with extensive tables showing visibility data, often proved incompatible with a smartphone screen. With the mobile app, you always have access to consolidated data on your projects.

A detailed description of the app is available in the Senuto Knowledge Base.

Automate reporting with integrations and save time

We know that many of you use Senuto to draft your SEO progress reports. Your other resources typically include tools provided by Google. With that in mind, we decided to facilitate data transfers and integrate Senuto with the tools that have long been a part of your daily work.

We introduced integrations with: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Sheets, and Google Data Studio.

Check out our blog post on Automated SEO Reports to learn how fast-tracking your reports works in practice. And our article on Google Data Studio will show you exactly how to save 40 hours per month on your reporting duties.

Examples of use, reports, and further data processing are available in the Senuto Knowledge Base, in the section on Integrations.

Are you using Slack? Integrate your communicator with Senuto! This way, pertinent statistics will land straight in your chosen channel. It’s a way to always keep your finger on the pulse.

Roadmap for 2021

In the second half of 2021, we plan to upgrade Senuto with a robust suite of new features. The full schedule is available in our public roadmap. Check it out: Senuto Roadmap for 2021.


We hope that this review helped you notice the long series of updates that we have been adding to Senuto since 2019 – from our hands to yours. We follow the path of growth to stay on top of change, innovation, technology, and needs. Just like you. Let’s keep growing. Let’s keep growing together!

Oh, and if you’re not already a Senuto user, sign up now for a free trial!

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Adam Skrzypek

Product Marketing Manager w Senuto

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