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SEO for Landing Pages. How To Optimize a One-Pager?

Mateusz WinklerMateusz Winkler
Published: 26.05.2021
6 minute

A landing page is usually a single webpage designed to drive conversions, which may refer to the number of downloads, generated leads, or the sales volume of the product or service. The hallmarks of a landing page include plain structure (no complex architecture) and a clear message (focused on a single, predefined goal).

Landing pages are typically promoted with paid ads. The sector is dominated by Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, Instagram Ads, and a handful of other services.

As things stand, many companies don’t lift a finger to fuel their landing pages with organic traffic. Reasons are many, including a limited budget that can be spent quite safely on a PPC campaign. Besides, the character of landing pages makes their optimization relatively difficult.

But not impossible, of course! In this article, I explain how to optimize your landing page to seize both paid and organic traffic. See for yourself!

Publish SEO-friendly content

Needless to say, what a landing page needs is content that sells. Your texts should be written in the language of profit and reach the readers in the simplest possible manner.

However, that’s not to say that you cannot add in a few keywords. Stick to your core phrases likely to drive a good chunk of traffic. If you believe that content that brings in sales cannot be optimized for search engines – get a professional copywriter. They’ll find a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Limit keywords to the minimum

By its nature, the entire landing page should cover one topic only. Since you really can have too much of a good thing, aim for keywords that are thematically related. At all cost, don’t go overboard with the numbers or the diversity.

Selection of the most pertinent keywords is easier with the Keyword Explorer from Senuto. Enter the most important phrases to get long lists of related keywords which will be of great help in creating your landing page content.

Optimize what you can

Quality SEO copywriting goes a long way, but it’s not the only piece in the puzzle. Now it’s time to focus on other elements that could push your landing page to top positions in the search results. Remember to check up on:

Headers affecting both SEO and UX

Headers show Google what your website is about. Besides, they organize your entire content structure. Splitting “walls of text” optically shortens your content, which makes the users feel way more eager to start reading. 

Meta tags to boost your SEO ranks and encourage more clicks

Obviously, I’m talking about meta title and meta description. The two elements that users see before they even decide to visit your website.

The first not only inspires to click through, but also has a real impact on your rankings. Keep that in mind and upgrade your meta title with target keywords.

The other (meta description) has no direct impact on SEO, but could make a big difference in convincing users to choose your link among all the others.

Rapid page load speed

It will get you far when driving organic and paid traffic alike. Make sure your page loads fast. Check if the code is clean and contains no useless scripts. Besides, take a closer look at your content size and choose a rapid, failure-free, and reliable hosting.

…including images

Though frequently underrated, the images are a powerful tool in landing page optimization. To make the most of them in your SEO efforts, keep an eye on the 4 critical factors:

  • File size – the smaller, the better. If possible, try to stick to JPEGs. Compress them additionally with tools such as to achieve suitable quality and keep things light-weight.
  • Dimensions – try to publish images in the same dimensions as displayed on the website. If your landing page presents graphics in a size of 1000 x 1000px, your CMS should hold pictures of this exact size. Adding smaller or larger images triggers the initialization of extra scripts designed for automatic size adjustment. You’ve guessed right – these scripts will only make your page slower.
  • Titles and alt attributes – when posting images on your landing page, make sure to add relevant descriptions. Both file name and alt attribute (alternative text) should contain descriptive phrases fitting the image. This approach will allow Google to determine what’s in the picture and optimize the search results accordingly.

Check performance on mobile devices

We’re still in “The Year of Mobile”. The number of users switching from desktop to mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is constantly on the rise. And it’s not only users who see whether your site is responsive (whether you can use it comfortably on any device). Google values responsiveness as well.

With that in mind, remember to build your landing page following the principles of RWD. If you don’t, in the longer run, your SEO efforts will fall flat.

Expand your landing page with extra tabs 

If you operate only on your local market or in a niche, offering services that are hard to come by – following the advice above should yield highly satisfying results.

However, you need to know that in an industry marked with fierce competition, where all the players want to fight for Google visibility, a traditional one-pager won’t do the job. When Google compares your website against others, a landing page will seem mediocre, and thus  – unworthy of the top spots in the search results.

With that in mind, I suggest expanding your landing page with extra tabs. The new sections may elaborate on the content published on the home page (think: an exhaustive price list, more advanced service plans, or even technical details of your products and services). Creating additional pages will boost your SEO potential. At the same time, it could be a great solution that facilitates content navigation for potential users.

Another good idea for landing page optimization is keeping a blog with regular updates. For one, expert content will help you make a name for yourself in the industry. But above all, it will show Google that your site truly merits attention.

Sure, by that point your landing page will have evolved into a full-blown website, but if you care for SEO – it just has to be done.

SEO for landing pages

Landing page optimization is not a walk in the park. It requires time, perseverance, and above all – a considerable workload. I hope that this article will make the challenge at least a little bit easier.

What do you think about this approach? Share your views in the comments below!

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Mateusz Winkler

Copywriter w i Winklers.

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