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Content intelligence vs. content personalization. How to customize materials for a specific target audience

Borys BednarekBorys Bednarek
Published: 24.01.2024
5 minute

Deeping into the topic of content intelligence, the question arises: how to make our content marketing messages not only noticed, but most importantly valued by a specific target audience? Content intelligence can be the answer to this question, provided we know how to use the new technologies and verify them properly. In this article, we will focus on the role of content intelligence in the process of personalizing content for a website, examining what benefits it brings to creators and audiences and how to effectively tailor materials to the needs of a specific target audience.


From this article you will learn: .

  • what is content intelligence,
  • .

  • what content intelligence applies,
  • .

  • what are the benefits of using content intelligence in content marketing.


What is content intelligence?

Content intelligence
is a field that focuses on applying technology, artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) and analyzing data sets to better understand, manage and personalize content. The goal is to meet users’ needs to communicate content marketing and achieve business goals and expand knowledge. It is also the ability of information systems to analyze content intelligently, enabling effective use of information contained in text, images, audio or video.


Read also: Basics of AI – a guide to the capabilities and applications of artificial intelligence


Basic elements of content intelligence include: .

  • Content analysisthe use of artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language (natural language) processing, to analyze and understand content in various forms.
  • Pattern recognition – machine learning (machine learning) and data analysis – content intelligence identifies patterns, trends and key information in content.
  • Personalizing content-tailoring content to individual audience preferences, behaviors and needs.
  • Automate processes -helping automate content management tasks such as categorization, tagging and translation.
  • Decision support -providing information to support decision-making in the context of content.


Content intelligence - what it | graphics with definition | Senuto

Application of content intelligence in a variety of fields


Content intelligence is used in a variety of fields and industries because of its ability to analyze content, understand context, and personalize messages.

An example would be content marketing, but there are many more areas where CI uses its solutions: .

  • Digital marketing – Personalization of advertising content and marketing campaigns, tailoring them to audience preferences and behaviors. Analyze content effectiveness in real time and adjust marketing strategy based on results.
  • E-commerce – customizing product suggestions and shopping recommendations to individual customer preferences. Personalization of content on product pages, descriptions and promotional materials.
  • HR departments and recruitment – Analyzing the content of resumes, cover letters and other application documents to more effectively select candidates. Personalization of content related to onboarding and employee training.
  • Media and online publishing – Customize news content and articles according to readers’ interests in social media (social media). Automatic tagging and categorization of articles, making navigation easier for users.
  • Online education – Personalization of educational content according to students’ skill level, learning pace and information absorption style. Real-time analysis of student performance and progress.
  • Health and social care area – analysis of medical content for better diagnosis and treatment planning. Personalization of educational content related to health and prevention.
  • Financial area – customization of content related to banking and financial services. Analysis of content related to financial markets and investments for better forecasting and decision-making.


Applying content intelligence – concrete examples in content personalization


It’s time for us to provide you with specific examples related to the application of content intelligence for content personalization: .

  • Adjusting content on a website – Websites can adjust content in real time to better suit visitors’ interests. For example, a news site can personalize headlines, articles, or promotional content based on a user’s location, browsing history, or topic preferences.
  • Personalization of marketing content – Marketing campaigns can be more effective with content intelligence. Analyzing data on customer behavior, preferences or interaction history allows you to deliver personalized marketing content, such as emails, online ads or content on social media.
  • User interface customization – Web applications and platforms can customize the user interface based on individual preferences. This can include page layout, language preference, color scheme or preferred interactive features.
  • Personalized e-learning experiences -Learning platforms can use content intelligence to analyze a student’s progress, learning material preferences and learning style. Based on this, they provide personalized educational content, assignments or supplementary materials.
  • Personalizing content on social media – Social media platforms can use CI to personalize the content stream for users, taking into account their preferences, interactions with content, and level of engagement.
  • Personalized content for subscribers – Companies offering subscription services such as streaming video or music can use content intelligence to analyze subscribers’ preferences and deliver personalized content to improve customer satisfaction and retention.


Benefits of using content intelligence in marketing


The application of content intelligence in the field of marketing brings a number of benefits that affect both campaign effectiveness and audience experience. Content intelligence makes it possible to tailor content to individual audience preferences, behaviors and needs, which increases the appeal of messages. .

This includes precise targeting. Analyzing data using content intelligence allows you to more accurately identify your target audience, making it easier to target content to specific audience segments.

The use of new technologies also supports the effective running of advertising and email campaigns, content management and personalization of the user experience, which increases engagement and interaction with the brand.

CI also helps SEO processes by identifying keywords, trends and preferences, which supports search engine optimization.


Content intelligence – summary


The benefits of content intelligence include not only improved effectiveness of marketing campaigns, but actually creating a more personalized experience for users as well. .

By enabling the customization of content based on individual audience preferences, behaviors and needs, through artificial intelligence, CI is becoming a key tool for companies seeking to build lasting customer relationships, increase engagement and succeed in the competitive business world.

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Borys Bednarek

Head of SEO w Cyrek Digital

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