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How to do a competitive analysis in Senuto?

Karolina MatyskaKarolina Matyska
Published: 16.08.2018
8 minute

Visibility Analysis is one of the modules in the Senuto Platform in which you analyze the visibility of a given domain in Google. Using Visibility Analysis, you will learn all the phrases that typing in a search engine results in the display of the analyzed domain, as well as understand their specifics.

Precise reports will give you information about how many phrases and in what positions the analyzed site is visible and how its situation in Google changes from day to day or from week to week. The data presented in clear graphs will allow you to quickly assess whether the site’s positions are falling or rising.

An important point – this way you can analyze the keywords of any domain – your own, as well as those of your competitors.

Weekly and daily report

We display keyword results in two modes: daily and weekly. The entire database of keywords we research contains 101 million phrases.

Those we monitor weekly have at least 10 searches per month (or more) and there are 19 million of them. So every Monday you get a portion of fresh data: TOP50 of all phrases that are searched at least 10 times a month.

On a daily basis, we also provide data on keywords that are searched at least 50 times a month. The database of these words contains 2.5 million phrases.



  • If you want to check what phrases above 50 searches per month your domain is displaying – choose the report in daily mode.
  • .

  • If, however, you want to get data on phrases searched at least 10 times a month – choose a weekly report.
  • If you want to get data on phrases searched at least 10 times a month – choose a weekly report.

Senuto visibility analysis – 4 main advantages:


Wide perspective of data

In Visibility Analysis, we do not monitor just a fraction of your keywords, but all the keywords for which the domain you are analyzing is visible in Google. This allows you to accurately determine the situation of the domain you are analyzing and from a broader perspective to evaluate declines or increases in its visibility.


Daily fresh data

We examine your site’s visibility on a regular basis, querying Google for 2.5 million words every day (those with at least 50 searches per month) and 19 million words every week (those with at least 10 searches per month).


Competitor keywords and comparison to competitors

A broad view of the data comes in handy when comparing the visibility of your domain to that of your competitors, among other things. By adding competitors to your analysis, you will learn what are the keywords of your competitors for which your domain is not visible, and vice versa.

You’ll also see for which phrases your competitors are displaying higher in search results, and when you are leading the way.


Back-loaded data

Standard tools tell you the position of a selected page from the moment you add keywords for analysis. It does not give you insight into the visibility history of the domain under study. In Senuto’s Visibility Analysis you’ll check historical data, going back to 2015 This report works on a database of 2.5 million keywords that have more than 50 searches per month. You’ll check back-loaded data in the Item History report.

What is the difference between the Visibility Analysis module and Monitoring?

In Visibility Analysis you will check all keywords of a page for which a domain is visible in Google. You’ll get a complete picture of its situation in Google, because the report includes all phrases from Senuto’s more than 19 million-word database, not just the keywords you typed in yourself.

In Senuto Monitoring, in turn, you yourself choose the phrases whose positions for a given domain you want to monitor. These can be any keywords, including those outside the Senuto database.

If you want to monitor the positions of a selected site for your own keyword phrases, check how to set up your first project in Monitoring and start using the tool.

Check what keywords a website is visible for in Google

Log into Senuto and in the Visibility Analysis tab, enter the address of the domain you want to analyze. After entering the URL, select the appropriate matching method:

  • ** if you want to examine the visibility of the entire domain including all its subdomains.
  • .

  •*, if you want to examine only the visibility of the domain and its directories (excluding subdomains).
  • .

Next, click Analyze and go to the Items report, then scroll down the page until the table appears.


Positions report - senuto
Positions report in Senuto,

You will receive the following information in the report:

average monthly number of searches,
position occupied in Google for a given phrase,
position history by month,
position history day by day,
position changes (decreases, increases and days of no change),


Key phrases that appeared in the table, you can freely filter by values:

  • keyword,
  • .

  • average monthly number of searches,
  • .

  • address URL,
  • .

  • position,
  • .

  • keyword difficulty,
  • .

  • CPC,
  • .

Importantly, you can combine filters with each other at will, such as searching for words that match a combination:

  • Position >10,
  • .

  • Position <20,
  • .

  • Monthly average number of searches >100 (example below).
  • .

visibility analysis_report items_filters


Learn more about your competitors’ keywords and your own phrases

In Visibility Analysis, you will not only check what phrases your site is visible for and their basic parameters, but also learn more about your own keywords and the visibility of your domain. And also about the visibility of your competitors, and how!


Do city names appear in the phrases for which your site is visible? And brand words or names? Do you know the seasonality of your keywords, their CPC, word count and difficulty? You can even check the snippets that appear next to your phrases in Google in the Phrase Features report!

phrase features.

What else will you learn from Visibility Analysis?

In addition to all the keywords for which the site is visible, you will also answer the following questions in the Visibility Analysis module:

We have been collecting domain visibility data on Google since 2015. This allows you to take a look at the historical data of the selected site and check its condition in the past.

In the visibility chart, you can compare the number of phrases in TOP3, TOP10 and TOP50 with your closest competitors on Google.

In the Increases/Decreases report, you will see which phrases your researched service has decreased or increased on compared to yesterday, last Monday and this 2 weeks ago.

In the Positions report, you will carefully analyze the positions of the keywords for which the domain you are researching appears in Google. In addition, you will compare the number of phrases in each position with the words of your competitors.


Sections is a report that shows search engine visibility by subdomains, paths and specific site URLs.


Competitor report will allow you to know your competitors on Google, which are often different from your business competitors. In addition, by knowing your competitors on the search engine, you will compare their visibility on Google to the visibility of your domain.

In the Cannibalization report, you will check if your site has a keyword cannibalization problem. If so, you will also find out which phrases and parts of the site are affected and how it affects the fluctuation of the position of the entire site.


Visibility Ranking is a report that checks which websites enjoy the highest visibility in organic search results.

But that’s not all! Log in to Senuto to explore the full capabilities of the tool!

How to check the keywords of your competitors and your site? Summary

In summary, if you want to check the keywords of your competitors or your own domain, take a look at Visibility Analysis in Senuto. There you will generate a report with all the phrases from our database that the analyzed sites are visible for. In addition, you will get detailed information about them, delve into historical data and compare the visibility of different domains.

Go to Senuto and analyze the visibility of the selected domain.

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Karolina Matyska

Lingwistka, copywriterka, online marketerka, ale przede wszystkim – fanka dobrego content marketingu. Z contentem związałam się zaraz po studiach, z Senuto i SEO – w 2018 roku.

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