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List of 30+ SEO and marketing courses – free and paid

Content marketing SEO SEO Basics
Karolina MatyskaKarolina Matyska
Published: 30.03.2020
18 minute

The quarantine period caused by the coronavirus outbreak is an opportunity for many to further their education or even retrain completely. As you spend your spring afternoons and evenings at home, it’s a good idea to set aside some of your free time to polish your knowledge, take workshops, attend webinars and trainings. Especially since many entrepreneurs offer free consultations and educational materials.

Accordingly, I’ve collected 30+ FREE courses on SEO, content marketing and blogging, as well as data analysis. Something good for everyone ????.

The knowledge contained in these courses will allow you to take your first steps in the world of SEO and Internet marketing, as well as consolidate your knowledge and gain new competencies. The sources of knowledge I have presented in this article are really quite a lot. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you will find something for yourself!

???? Recommended by Senuto – SEO Course from PapySEO, the most popular choice

Senuto’s SEO Training from Gregory Rifleman (PapySEO).

PapaSEO. The best-selling SEO course of recent years. It has Over 1,800 customers from almost 500 cities in Poland and 73 course episodes lasting over 26 hours. That’s more than 950 positive reviews on the web and social media. Such is papaSEO or Grzesiek Strzelec, known to all.

Who knows him, knows that he always tries to set the bar higher than the market. Such was the case with his experience at Onet or TVN as head of SEO, such was the case with the SEO tour training, in which he traveled all over Poland, such is the case with SEO Poland.


His course is aimed at people just starting out in SEO but also seasoned professionals. Each episode includes some basics, but also advanced advice from his experience. And that’s what his clients appreciate most.


SEO and marketing agencies use his training en masse to train their specialists. That’s exactly what PapaSEO is.

The PapaSEO course is available as a subscription and costs £110 gross per month.

Grzegorz Strzelec (author of the course) shared a free episode.

Other SEO courses:


  • Moz Academy – until the end of May with the code wegotthis you can take over 12 courses offered by MOZ for free. There is something for both beginners and more advanced in the subject of SEO. There are courses on keywords, site optimization, link acquisition, reporting and even customer acquisition.
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  • SEO course from Craig Campbell – A free SEO course has also been made available by undisputed SEO expert Craig Campbell from Scotland, who on 1.04, 6:00 pm will host a webinar on how to how to make money from affiliates in times of crisis.
  • SEO Manager Certification – with code WeGotYouCovered you get free access to Blue Array’s SEO Manager course. Without the code, the course costs £997, so that’s no small savings!
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  • Free SEO course 2020 for Advanced SEO Experts – A 7-day free SEO course for experts has also been prepared by Surfer SEO. Not for beginners ????.
  • SEO Training from HubSpot – a free SEO course from HubSpot will cover all the basics you need to know in terms of generating traffic to your site from Google. It lasts 1.5 hours, so it only covers the basics without going into detail.
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  • 40 free SEO lessons from Verseo – if you want to dose yourself with knowledge by getting a portion of knowledge in your email each day – choose the SEO course from Verseo.
  • Link Building Course – this is a course prepared by Link Research Tools, who know quite a bit about linking. Of course, this is not an SEO course in the full sense of the word, since it only covers the topic of link building, but for supplementing knowledge – how to find.
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  • Free SEO course from Octamedia – structured SEO knowledge delivered in the form of email lessons every Friday.
  • Free online SEO training from Verseo – 40 Google SEO lessons delivered straight to your email inbox.

Are you rising or falling in Google? Check with Senuto Monitoring!

Content marketing and blogging course:


  • Blogging for Business – I found the blogging course from Ahrefs very valuable. Especially since we pay for a large portion of knowledge…. nothing. The training lasts almost 5 hours and consists of 10 lessons taught by Tim Soulu, CMO of Ahrefs.
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  • Content marketing course from HubSpot – You can always count on knowledge from HubSpot – not only comprehensive, but free. In this course you’ll learn what content marketing is and how to get started with it.
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  • Building a content strategy course from HubSpot – once you’ve adopted a general knowledge of content marketing, HubSpot will also help you build your first content strategy. Especially at the beginning, such help will definitely come in handy for you. But I think it’s probably useful for the seasoned, too, to refresh your knowledge from time to time ????.
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  • Blogging course from HubSpot – this course is designed for both individual bloggers and content marketers. If you are learning content marketing, in addition to the above two courses, I encourage you to complete this one as well.
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  • 7-day Email Course for Copywriters – another email course from Surfer, this time aimed at SEO copywriters. A little math and a lot of SEO in there, with the result that a concrete recipe for success emerges.
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  • 7-day email WordPress course – a free course from Ewelina Muc will introduce you to the world of WordPress, which is one of the basic working tools for many content creators, bloggers and SEOs. If you feel you have some deficiencies, it’s worth filling them!
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  • Free WordPress Course – this is another free WordPress course, this time from Influentiq. In it, you will learn step by step how to put up your own websites without IT knowledge. And such skills come at a price!
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Data analysis & programming:


  • Data Science Course – 365 Data Science has made its course available for free until April 15, 2020. If you want to get into the topic of data analysis, it’s worth a try. The course contains a lot, a lot of knowledge, so prepare a notebook for notes!
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  • Introductory course to R – A free introductory course to the R language is held periodically. According to our report “SEO Jobs 2020: Earnings of SEO Specialists” programming skills in R can be boasted by 4.3% of specialists in the SEO industry. Join them for even better forecasting and data analysis.
  • 450 free courses from the Ivy League – you’ll find courses in data science, business, programming, social sciences, art and even personal development, among other topics. The level is high, as the courses come from renowned universities belonging to the elite Ivy League. Some of the courses end with an exam, in some you can also earn a certificate of completion.
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  • Course on building pivot tables and course Forms and Data Operations in Excel from Bartosz Czapiewski will allow you to finally understand the world of Excel, which 77.14% of SEO industry specs use in their work (source: Jobs in the SEO industry. Earnings of SEO professionals).
  • Google Analytics course straight from Google – you’ll find both an introduction for beginners, an analytics course for advanced and power users. And since the course straight from the source, it’s well worth it!
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  • If you’re interested in Google Analytics, additionally, sign up for Macek Lewinsky’s newsletter, which promises to chip away at your Analytics ????.
  • Introduction to Data Studio – in SEO a lot of time is taken up by reporting. We even prepared an article on this topic, which suggests how to save 40 hours on reporting just by using Google Data Studio. I recommend both this reading and the course. It will be useful for sure, especially for seoworkers!
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  • Google Tag Manager Course from Google – do you know basic Google Tag Manager? If not, nothing lost – in this course you will learn everything you need to start using the tool. We’ve verified that at a basic level, GTM is used by as many as 63.4% of people in the SEO industry. Not small – it’s worth joining this venerable group!
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  • Udacity – a plarform with thousands of courses in various topics is currently offering 1 month of use for free.

A sizable portion of Google’s SEO knowledge is available for a fee. This is not surprising, since specialized knowledge costs money, and access to it will enable learners to get a fast start in the industry. Learning SEO can be effective and enjoyable. All you have to do is choose a good learning source. And there are quite a few good SEO courses. As a result, there is something for everyone.

Below, I’ve prepared an extensive list of paid online SEO courses that have good reviews from students and that will allow you to gain or consolidate your SEO knowledge.

Online SEO courses from Pawel Gontarek

Pawel Gontarek is a well-known specialist in the industry who implements SEO strategies and campaigns for his clients and provides training. As part of his SEO course, he teaches SEO from the ground up, moving from the definition of SEO, through the factors that affect the position of pages in search results, to word selection, creating a headline structure, optimizing content and planning the content published on the site.

The course costs £1,200 net and lasts one day.

On the platform, Pawel Gontarek has also created a SEO course for e-commerce “Ekomersiak Academy”. In the course, Pawel teaches how to position an online store well, how to do SEO in the e-commerce industry, and how to choose so-called money keywords, i.e. key phrases that provide adequate ROI.

This course is primarily intended for people who want to SEO their online stores themselves, as well as for agencies, freelancers and growth hacks positioning e-commerce stores and getting traffic for their clients. At the time of updating the text, the price of the course has not yet been announced.

Smart SEO Course – Fox Strategy

Fox Strategy is a several-person SEO/SEM agency from Wroclaw, Poland. At the end of July 2020, Fox published a clever SEO course online, which consists of more than 20 hours of recordings divided into 15 modules. In total, the course lasts 5 weeks, consists of 70 SEO lessons and includes 5 live Q&A panels.

The course costs £499 gross. If you are looking for a comprehensive SEO course that teaches you how to position websites on Google in a smart way, then this course is definitely for you.

Note: we have prepared a voucher for a 30-day premium package for each participant of the Clever SEO course! It’s a shame not to take advantage!

Simon Nightingale SEO Course

Szymon Nightingale is an independent SEO expert running Takaoto agency. As part of his positioning course available on the platform, Szymon covers the topics of organic traffic, keywords, building a Google-friendly site or the role of link building. The course is designed for beginners.

Simon’s SEO course lasts 6 hours and costs 159 PLN.

Posting course for beginners – Marta Gryszko

Who among us is not familiar with Lexy’s SEO blog? Well, that’s right. The creator of this legendary blog – Marta Gryszko – also offers her own SEO course for beginners. The course is available in the form of an e-book and is dedicated to people who are beginning their adventure with SEO. A great advantage of the course is that it is constantly updated several times a year.

In this course, Marta teaches, among other things, how to position a website on your own for low- and medium-competitive keywords, how to optimize your site, how to build SEO backlinks and how to acquire strong links to your site.

The regular price of the SEO course from Marta is PLN 180.

Course on SEO & Content Marketing – WhitePress

WhitePress has been offering its own SEO and content marketing courses available in the form of regular onsite and online events. Courses organized by WhitePress are dedicated to beginners and intermediate content creators, SEOs and managers and business owners who want to implement SEO and content marketing campaigns on their own.

In the WhitePress SEO and content marketing courses, students can learn from several certified specialists. The course presents topics such as page optimization, content marketing, link building or phrase selection and creating effective marketing campaigns.

The price of the SEO course starts from PLN 986 net.

How to make friends with Google? Comprehensive SEO for your website – Comarch

“How to make friends with Google? Comprehensive SEO for your website” is an SEO course designed for beginners. In the course, Comarch trainers teach how to create an SEO strategy, what factors affect a website’s position in Google, how to optimize a website for SEO, and how to create SEO content. Besides, the trainees in the course will learn how to organize an SEO department in the marketing department.

The SEO course from Comarch costs 700 PLN.

Online SEO course – Artefact

The SEO course organized by Artefakt is a comprehensive training course organized online and onsite. The SEO course program is tailored to the needs of both beginners and advanced SEOs. As part of the SEO course, trainees learn information on optimizing website content, link building, using SEO in business or creating SEO-optimized content.

SEO from the basics –

“SEO from scratch” is a one-day online course in which Patryk Wocka teaches students how to position websites locally, how to create an SEO strategy and what model of cooperation to develop with SEO agencies. In addition, as part of the SEO course, the trainer points out the factors affecting a site’s visibility in a search engine, teaches how to use popular tools used by positioners and gives tips on how to create SEO-optimized content.

Today’s SEO is inextricably linked with content marketing. After all, without content, there would be nothing to SEO. So if you want to explore content marketing, learn how to reach customers more effectively with content or how to build your brand image, the following paid content marketing training courses will help you.

Course “content marketing strategy in 3 steps”. – Agnieszka Wojtas

The Course “content marketing strategy in 3 steps” is a small, 2-hour course in which Agnieszka Wojtas teaches how to plan and implement a content marketing strategy.

This course touches on the topics of creating a persona, choosing content marketing activities, selecting content for the target and customer, as well as planning content, choosing the right tools or how to measure the effects of content marketing activities.

The course costs £47.

Course “Better Copywriter” – Marcin Cichocki

The “Better Copywriter” copywriting course is a comprehensive copywriting course that teaches how to create content wisely and effectively for new media. As part of his course, Marcin Cichocki teaches how to write SEO texts, product and category descriptions, content for websites, content marketing articles, sales offers or how to create UX Writing messages.

The course consists of hours of videos, a workbook, a private support group, checklists and ready-made text mock-ups. Consultations with the author are also available as part of the course.

The “Better Copywriter” course is designed for beginners and intermediate content creators who want to enter or strengthen their position in the copywriting market. Marcin Cichocki’s course will also benefit entrepreneurs and professionals in the marketing industry who want to learn how to create effective content.

The “Better Copywriter” course is divided into 3 price plans. The lowest one costs PLN 777.

Content marketing training in digital strategy – Socjomania

The content marketing in digital strategy course is an online course that covers the basic information on creating comprehensive content marketing strategies. The course consists of 14 hours of material. In the course, you will learn how to create a content plan and define a brand communication strategy, learn about content performance metrics and how to use content tools and techniques.

The course consists of 13 thematic modules, and as part of the course access, students receive templates and handouts that make it easy to implement the knowledge gained in the course during content marketing activities.

The content marketing training course from Socdomania costs £599.

The Optimized Content Marketing + SEO Training: Positioning and Link Building –

The content marketing and SEO training organized by is a two-day online and in-person event. It is a comprehensive training conducted by 3 trainers and is designed for beginner and intermediate content creators and SEO.

The training includes Optimized Content Marketing + SEO: Positioning and Link Building trainees learn the basics of SEO, creating SEO-optimized content, and learn the principles of effective link building. In addition, as part of the training, trainers provide trainees with information on on-page optimization, content marketing activities or the use of popular SEO tools.

The training lasts one or two days (depending on the package), and its cost starts at PLN 970.

Content Marketing and Web-Writing Training – DIMAQ Academy

DIMAQ Academy offers a comprehensive online content marketing training course, which includes 8 hours of workshops, practical exercises and electronic materials. The content marketing training covers the following topics: defining the goals and KPIs of a content marketing campaign, how to distribute content or the principles of text editing. The training is designed for entrepreneurs, people working in marketing departments and copywriters.

The cost of the training is PLN 896.

Content Marketing “Practical online training” – Artefakt

The content marketing training course organized by Artefakt is dedicated to business owners, marketers, webmasters and freelancers who want to start their adventure with content marketing. As part of the course, Artefakt’s trainer provides information on the role and selection of keywords, writing SEO-optimized content or using content optimization tools.

The training costs $249.

Free courses from Google

Throughout this list, it would be hard not to mention free courses from Google! The California-based giant offers as many as 28 free Google courses, with certified trainers providing information on Internet marketing, SEO, creating ads in the Google Ads ecosystem or local business positioning.

The free marketing, SEO and ad creation courses are dedicated to beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. As part of the training courses, trainees can obtain a free or paid certificate of completion. The training courses themselves range from 2 to even over 20 hours.

Google allows you to take both the entire course and selected modules. This allows you to expand your knowledge and competence in your chosen subject matter. What’s more, Google’s free courses are not exclusively organized by Google. Providers of courses available on Google’s training platform include: Goodwill, FutureLearn, OpenClassrooms, Skillshop and Google Cloud.

Full list of free Google courses can be found here.

Senuto Anti-Crisis Shield

As part of the Senuto Anti-Crisis Shield, which is our response to the current market situation, we have prepared a series of webinars taking place from early April 2020. Below I have pasted the links for you to watch each of them. We have invited experienced experts to participate, who will share their knowledge to support you and your business during this difficult time.

Check out the Shield website for links to upcoming webinars.

As you can see, the web is teeming with free and paid SEO and content marketing courses that contain a wealth of valuable knowledge. It’s worth acquiring this knowledge and implementing it into your daily SEO or marketing activities. Sources of information are plentiful. It’s up to you to decide which one to use!

If I’ve forgotten any free SEO or other related courses, let me know in the comments and I’ll add to the list to keep the knowledge flowing!

Have a pleasant learning experience!

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Karolina Matyska

Lingwistka, copywriterka, online marketerka, ale przede wszystkim – fanka dobrego content marketingu. Z contentem związałam się zaraz po studiach, z Senuto i SEO – w 2018 roku.

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