Guest Blogging: Why You Should Post Articles on Partners’ Websites

Content marketing
Karolina MatyskaKarolina Matyska
Published: 05.12.2018
7 minute

You post articles on your own website? Perhaps you run a blog or look for a place to post your specialist articles? In any case – good job! By sharing knowledge, you show professionalism and attract new clients. But why do you limit yourself to publishing only on your platforms? In this article, you will learn the benefits of guest blogging and some tips for most successful collaboration.

What is guest blogging?

Guest blogging involves posting specialist articles on partners’ websites and blogs. Authors usually have a casting vote on what to write about, although they might be asked to scrutinize a specific subject that would fit the content marketing strategy of a given brand or would be better tailored to content posted.

What you can get for an article? Free promotion in social media – on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. There are also other benefits: discounts, gadgets or service-for-service exchange.

Depending on a form of collaboration, you can choose to write a single post or a series of articles. Don’t forget that you’re a guest and you undersign the article with your name! Make sure to provide content of highest quality, it’s very important.

It’s my content, why should I give it to someone else?

Sometimes even I wonder why I don’t use my articles to drive only my business and to feed Senuto’s blog. After all, research and the very process of writing and editing are so time-consuming! Let alone the fact that a search-engine-optimized article rich in content can generate for me much desirable traffic from Google. Why give it to other website? Well, there’re a few good reasons.

Potential of guest blogging to tap

First of all, when publishing on your partner’s website, you can attract more clients and readers of your own content. Even if you think that a company for which you’ve decided to write has a target audience similar to yours, what are the chances that your online audiences overlap through and through?

Second of all, by reaching readers of your partner’s blog, you automatically get more possible clients to whom you’re introduced as an expert. Your reliability is acknowledged by your very presence on the blog of the company those clients esteem. Knowledge and expertise you share in your articles are also a testimony to your professionalism.

Third of all, this way you can strengthen the link profile of your domain. Defining terms of collaboration, make it clear that you want a link to your website to be put in your bio.

Let me add that guest blogging allows you to ride on the crest of a wave of partner’s popularity. Not only do you collaborate with interesting brands but you also broaden your experience. What’s more, you’re promoted online for free and often gain additional benefits.

Perfect for specialists without a blog who want to share content online

Get engaged in guest blogging if you don’t have your own blog, but you want to post content online to promote your business or personal brand. You may effectively make such posts and articles part of your marketing or even PR strategy. Importantly, when blogging as a guest, the only cost you bear is your time. Promotion of your own content is usually a task of your partner, as I’ve mentioned earlier.

Collaborate with those people and businesses that are closely associated with your industry thematically speaking. Your message will be heard by possible purchasers of your products or services.

Guest blogging – what to write about?

Select a subject you are most experienced at. You’re an expert and a reader mustn’t have doubts as to your knowledge and expertise in the subject chosen. Besides, it’s worth giving real-life examples – this will convince the reader even more that you know what you’re talking about.

Tailor the article subject also to your specialty. Don’t write about AdWords if you earn a living only from SEO – your image online will remain consistent and people will know what services you provide.

How to start? 5 steps to happy collaboration

1. Spot brands in your industry that run a blog and are open to collaboration

Discuss this with your colleagues or ask members of a Facebook group associating specialists in your industry a thing or two. Perhaps some of your clients would like to collaborate? Look around, there’re plenty of opportunities!

2. Before you decide to guest blog, carefully choose a brand for which you want to write

It takes a lot of time to prepare a well-written and informative specialist article. Think of an audience that could get you the best business results. Answer the following questions:

  • Are there possible clients of yours among the readers of your partner’s blog?
  • Is your content related to the theme of the blog you chose?
  • Is your partner for which or whom you want to blog is respected in the industry and is ready to offer you considerable benefits in exchange for your articles?

3. Establish contact with a brand or a blog owner for which or whom you’d like to write

Begin with checking contact details directly at the website on which you’d like to post your content. You may poke a person you want to talk to on LinkedIn or Facebook. Send a welcome message: write a couple of words about yourself and your experience and tell what you’d like to write about. Convince your potential partner that posting your article will produce benefits.

4. Once you find the right blog whose owner is willing to collaborate, don’t wait! Get down to writing!

Remember that brands deeply care about quality and informative value of content they publish. While running Senuto’s blog that hosts multiple articles and posts by guests, I rejected some of them specifically due to their low informative value.

Don’t let this happen! Carefully prepare for writing – do research, use real data, provide sources and your own examples.

Oh, and one more thing – meet your deadlines!

5. Assist your partner in promoting your article

Once your article is posted at the partner’s website, share it on your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. Tell your friends and workmates about it. Let the word spread!

Guest blogging at Senuto

If you’re experienced in search engine marketing and love to share knowledge, you’re more than welcome to guest blog for us! The list of experts publishing their articles at Senuto is growing!

What you get in exchange?

When posting on Senuto’s blog, your articles are next to content of the best SEO experts. You can count on my full support – we’ll begin with choosing an article topic or, if you have an idea, with making it more specific; later on I’ll help you edit and proofread the article.

After publishing the article, we promote it on Facebook and LinkedIn. Your article will be seen by all the clients of Senuto because we’ll post a notification about a new article in our app and send it in a monthly newsletter.

Should you decide to keep collaborating with us, we’ll be more and more grateful :). We’ll give you one-off discounts for our services (-20% and later -25%). The 10th article you write for Senuto will get you a fixed -30% discount for a package of your choice.

If you’re interested in guest blogging for Senuto or have any questions or doubts, mail me at [email protected].

Have I convinced you yet?

Guest blogging offers multiple advantages and, to put it bluntly, it just pays off. Sharing specialist content at partners’ websites not only makes you more visible online but also brings you more possible clients and expands your audience. Furthermore, you save on online content promotion, establish the link profile of your website, increase your credibility and develop contacts within well-known brands.

Make guest blogging part of your long-term marketing strategy – it’s really worth it!

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Karolina Matyska

Lingwistka, copywriterka, online marketerka, ale przede wszystkim – fanka dobrego content marketingu. Z contentem związałam się zaraz po studiach, z Senuto i SEO – w 2018 roku.

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