Anna Antczak

Anna Antczak

SEO Specialist in MakoLab. Associated with SEO industry for 4 years. Her adventure with search engine optimization started as early as during her studies, when computer science alone was not enough for her. She built her experience first on smaller sites, and after 2 years on medium and large websites, including leaders in e-commerce, pharmaceutical and construction industries. Privately, she likes to spend time with her family, including with her adopted 2 dogs, and follow threads related to interior design.

spadki widoczności | grafika | Senuto
Anna AntczakAnna Antczak

Spadek pozycji w Google – czy jest się czym martwić?

Anna AntczakAnna Antczak

Pozycjonowanie bloga – sprawdź, jak się za to zabrać!

Wypróbuj Senuto Suite przez 14 dni za darmo

Zacznij 14-dniowy trial za darmo

Poznaj Senuto na 1-godzinnym szkoleniu online. Za darmo.

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